Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sparrow to the Heart

Oh Nicole Richie...what will you do next? First you delighted and disgusted us with your behaviour on The Simple Life, then you had a very public falling out with ex-BFF Paris Hilton, followed by an anorexia scandel that almost claimed your life. And now you've shaped up, fallen in love, popped out a kid, started a fashion label, popped out another and to the delight of media-moguls everywhere, you've called him Sparrow.

Gwenyth named her's after a fruit. Nicole - after a week day and Gwen Stefani - after a much-loved Arnotts biscuit. But move over ladies, because the front pages have been freshly claimed by Mr and Mrs Madden and their new bundle of joy. Yes - Sparrow, brother to big sister Harlow was born early Wednesday 9 September and thanks to his unconventional name, he's already making waves in the media. But I suppose, when you're parents are an ex-reality TV star and a tattoo covered lead singer, the quicker you get used to living beneath the spotlight, the less therapy you're going to need later on in life. Although, with a name like Sparrow, I could be proven wrong.
(Image Credit: Nicole Richie with daughter, Harlow. - Celebrity Baby Blog)

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