Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kanye Crisis

Me and my cup of coffee were met with shock and disappointment this morning when I switched on The Today Show for my daily dose of entertainment news with Richard Reid, only to hear about Kanye dissing Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards!

Shock horror, Nancy Drew!

Yes, indeed. After Swift was awarded the Best Female Video for You Belong To Me, the R&B singer did a brilliant job of royally putting his foot in his mouth when he snatched the microphone from Swift like a jealous prom queen and declared the rightful owner should have been BFF R&B artist, Beyonce.

Cue shot of a horrified Beyonce looking like she was witnessing a car crash.

Sure, my music idols may wear slightly bigger boots than Miss Swift, but I genuinelly felt for her as she left the stage looking a tad bewildered and a tinge humiliated. Come come, Kanye! What do you think you're doing dissing a co-artist in a public forum? Not to mention a fairly sizable public forum of 27 million viewers, which then exploded like viral rash once they hit the good ol' world wide gossiping web.

Like any celebrity coming to terms with their stupidity (and any publicist with two tequila shots worth of common sense would encourage), Kanye was quick to back peddle in the midst of his media fire storm. He lamented, he issued apologies, he gave excuses but there was little to be done to counteract his verbal word-vomit.

So in a last ditch attempt to regain himself, the el-macho-music-man pulled out the waterworks on The Jay Leno Show. But are they tears of regret? Guilt? Or the knowledge that his career just tanked like the Titanic and there ain't no life rafts in sight? Sure can get mighty cold out there on your own.

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