Thursday, October 27, 2011

Over The Hills

A terrible thing happened this week.

The last episode of The Hills aired on Australian television.

I am in mourning.

In my post-travel, umemployed lifestyle, I had taken to watching The Hills on Go! every afternoon at 4:30 while running on the treadmill in my living room.

Not only did watching The Hills feel indulgently pathetic, but watching it while working out in the kind of sad saggy sweats one is too embarrassed to wear outside of the house, made it also comfortable.

 But mostly pathetic.

I found a sick enjoyment about working out while watching the superficial lifestyles of The Hills'  transpire in front of me. Plus, imagining myself with abs as flat as Audrina's always helped get me through those last asthma-inducing kilometres.

I have an unashamed, minor obsession with The Hills. I realise the show is completely fabricated. No one's hair is that blonde, no one's teeth are that white and no one has that much money to spend on spray tans as well as Hollywood rent. Most importantly however, no one's life is that affected by drama on a daily basis.

Except, maybe Lara Bingle.

Oh, but isn't this what is so satisfying about The Hills? The drama. The drama that has absolutely nothing to do with you, but you can be a non-involved by-stander passing opinion while all those trivial tall tales are spun like a silk web?

And doing all that while pounding it out on a treadmill in the early afternoon heat? Oh heaven.

But the more I watch, the more I start to feel like I am actually involved with these people, that they're actually my friends. I have lamented every failed relationship of LC's, wished Kristen wasn't doing such an injustice to the collective of our Given Name, yelled at the television screen everytime Audrina got sweet-talked by Justin Bobby and withheld my rage every time Spencer opened his insidious mouth.

Until I realise I know more about these 'characters' than I do my own friends. Then I think maybe The Hills reaching a sixth and final season is a good thing and a prime opportunity to ditch my saggy sweats and pound the pavement outside.

Maybe I'll run to JB Hi-Fi and buy The City of DVD?


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