Monday, February 15, 2010

KH COMMENTARY: What NOT to do when you meet one of your idols

Last week, whilst waitressing, I met one of my idols.

And I gushed.

Oh, did I ever. I gushed like an un-clogged fawcet. I gushed like a storm-water drain in the middle of a down pour. I gushed so much I may as well have drowned myself.

And who was this idol, I hear you ask? Who was this idol that caused me to gush like an over-enthusiastic stage mother?

The one and only - Jane Caro.

Now, I get that this name may not set off any bells for you and I get that you're probably reading this thinking, "Who the eff is Jane Caro, KH?" But the one and only Jane Caro is the epitome of fabulous. If you watch The Gruen Transfer, you would know of who I speak. She's a freelance copy-writer and author and she isn't afraid to speak her mind about all things feminism. For young girly guns starting out in the media industry, like myself, she is the kind of woman we want to be. Strong, successful and an independent thinker.

So when I was suddenly taking Jane Caro's order for a latte, I couldn't help myself. Before I knew it, there were words coming out of my mouth without my having any control over them. And of all the things, ALL THE THINGS, I could have said to her - about my appreciation of her feminist views and the strong independent role model I thought she was - these are the words that came out of my rotten mouth:

"Oh my gosh, I'm your biggest fan!"

No, "It's such a pleasure to meet you, Jane Caro." No, "I think what you've accomplished in the industry is motivating for young writers like myself." Nothing which reflected any kind of maturity, wit or class. I had to go and say "Oh my gosh, I'm your biggest fan" and consequently look like the biggest gushiest loser ever to speak words out loud.

Needless to say, she coped with my gushing with all the grace of a true mentor. She said she was really flattered and that I'd made her day and she'd never been recognised with such enthusiasm before (cringe). To which I lavished her with more gushing about my favourite Gruen Transfer episode where she reviewed the advertising surrounding pads and tampons (double, triple, cadrouple cringe).
When she left, she shook my hand and said it was a pleasure meeting me to which I responded by kneeling down and kissing her feet.

Just kidding.

God, just imagine if I met Barack Obama? Or worse, Britney Spears?

Ciao for now. xo

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