Saturday, August 8, 2009

Open To The Public

There are some people who are desperate to lay everything on the table. Every feeling, every urge, every inner emotion whether it be attraction or lust or longing, they willingly lay it bare like it means nothing for the world to see it in all it's fullness. While the rest of us shy away from our inner wants or try to pass them off as other things, these brave people put everything they know and want and feel out in the open, for everyone to see and for anyone to mock.

Is this confidence? This ability to be brutally honest with one's self and the world? Or is honesty dressed in desperation? People so worried they might lose everything, they are too terrified to pretend everything doesn't matter to them.

It must be awfully liberating, to stand alone in one's personal, emotional rubbish and openly declare it belongs to them. To wear their hopeful heart on their shoulder or their shattered expectations like lines on their face. These poeple who own their every emotion, who are not afraid of the way they feel.

Maybe we should be more like them. More honest with the world, more honest with ourselves. But for those of us who push our personal, emotional rubbish into the corner and hope people don't notice it sitting there, we know there are just some things we don't want the world to see and some things we don't want to see in ourselves.
(Image Credit: - May 7, 2009)

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